ICF delivered a financial claim application system tailored to the specific needs of the state of Connecticut and its residents impacted by Superstorm Sandy. ICF Connect was designed, developed, and implemented to manage the claim process from application through review and appeal.
Getting families back into their homes was a top priority for Connecticut state officials following the widespread devastation of Superstorm Sandy. Connecticut was awarded a $71.82 million grant through the Department of Housing and Urban Development's (HUD) Community Development Block Grant-Disaster Recovery (CDBG-DR) program.
Effective help for displaced residents had to include a claim application intake and evaluation process that would not be onerous for citizens who were trying to figure out how to rebuild. Equally, the state of Connecticut was required to monitor the claim process for compliance with funding regulations, entailing extensive, ongoing data collection, and analysis.
Download the case study for more on how ICF built an accessible and user friendly tool for homeowners to securely and accurately complete grant applications.
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