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About ICF

Tim Hillman

Director, Analytics and Customer Insights
Tim is an analytics and customer insights expert with 20 years of experience in the energy industry, supporting the scaled application of analytics to continually derive insights.

Previously, Tim served in an advisory role for energy, water, and greenhouse gas management, as well as overall sustainability oversight for numerous governmental entities and regional collaborations. His experience ranges from national, state, and local government policy development to energy utility demand-side management program implementation and evaluation.

Over the last decade, Tim has focused on the energy utility and data analytics fields, specializing in the use of data mining techniques to help utilities develop a deeper understanding of their customers in order to design programs and customer engagement strategies to achieve program goals with more cost-effectiveness. He has helped enable significant growth for our programs and success for our clients in this area by fostering a culture of applied analytics, establishing systems and processes to support the scaled application of analytics to derive insights.

Tim leads our Sightline Analytics and customer insights team and has managed Sightline deployments for over 20 large U.S. utilities and government entities, covering dozens of residential and commercial energy efficiency programs and customer engagement initiatives. Tim’s team focuses on data management and analysis of customer response, engagement, and energy use trends for hundreds of marketing campaigns and customer energy reports spanning tens of millions of customers. The team has developed highly effective and proven predictive analytics routines that have improved the cost-effectiveness of customer engagement efforts by better identifying customers most likely to participate and benefit from specific offers.

  • Hillman, T. (2011). “Neighborhood Outreach Utilizing Social Norms and Existing Social Networks”, U.S. Department of Energy Building America Program - Residential Buildings Energy Efficiency Technical Update Meeting.
  • Hillman, T., B. Janson, A. Ramaswami. (2011). Spatial allocation of transportation greenhouse gas emissions at the city-scale. ASCE Journal of Transportation Engineering. 137(6): 416-425.
  • Strife, S. T. Hillman, C. Colvin. (2010). “Moving Beyond Recycling: Normalizing Energy Conservation Behavior A Case Study of Teach for Sustainability”, Behavior, Energy & Climate Change Conference – Poster Session. Sacramento, CA. November 14 – 17.
  • Hillman, T.; Ramaswami, A. (2010). “Greenhouse Gas Emission Footprints and Energy Use Metrics for Eight US Cities”, Environmental Science & Technology, 44: 1902-1910.
  • Burch, J., J. Salasovich, T. Hillman. (2005). Cold-climate solar domestic water heating systems: life-cycle analyses and opportunities for cost reduction. Presented at the ISES Solar World Congress, Orlando, FL. 2005. NREL/CP-550-37748.
  • Hillman, T., A. Melendez, J. McCullough and A. Borbely-Bartis. (2001). Assessment of Code Officials' Needs in Tri-Cities, Washington, to Accelerate Permitting Process for Fuel Cells in Buildings. Prepared for U.S. Department of Energy. PNNL-13507