Ani Hyslop
Ani leads a portfolio of projects dedicated to generating the information needed to manage international development projects. The portfolio provides a variety of research and information-based services to clients such as the President's Malaria Initiative, the Office of the Global AIDS Coordinator, the U.S. Department of Labor, and Feed the Future.
Ani started her professional career as a pediatrician, practicing in a community health clinic outside of Chicago and in St. Lucia. After finishing a second medical residency in public health and general preventive medicine, she joined MEASURE Evaluation, USAID’s global health Measure and Evaluation (M&E) support project as an M&E specialist. Eventually she became our team lead on the project before taking on wider responsibilities within the company.
M.P.H., Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
M.D., University of Minnesota Medical School
B.A., Carleton College
Public Health and General Preventive Medicine Residency at Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
Pediatric Residency at Children’s Memorial Hospital in Chicago
Certified in General Pediatrics by the American Board of Pediatrics