John Lim
John is a public health expert with more than 15 years of experience with SAS programming and 25 years of experience in supervisory and data lead roles on epidemiological and clinical studies. He supports collecting and analyzing data from the National Substance Use and Mental Health Services Survey as part of the Behavioral Health Services Information System project. John also served as a member of expert and working groups related to data standards, data sharing, and large and complex data management.
Earlier in his career, John served as an SAS programmer/analyst for the Coordinating Centers of the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences-sponsored Gulf Long-term Follow-up Study and the Study of Environment, Lifestyle and Fibroids at Social and Scientific Systems, Inc. While at SSS, he also served as SAS programmer for the 2018 addendum to the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases-sponsored report, “Urologic Diseases in America,” and for the National Center for Health Statistics-sponsored “Frame Evaluation Summary Report” (a comparative evaluation of physician sampling data frames).
John's areas of specialization include the mapping and evaluation of large data sets/data frames and data linkages, notably with geocode data, the National Death Index, Medicare medical claims data, and the National Plan and Provider Enumeration System frames. Technical areas of interest include the development of macro suites and templates, programming with metadata, and data sharing.
John also served for ten years at Rho, Inc., as a SAS programmer and supervising data manager at the Division of Allergy, Immunology, and Transplantation Statistical and Clinical Coordinating Center of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases-sponsored Inner-City Asthma Consortium. He was a member of the Rho Federal Division Bioinformatics Group and other working groups tasked with standardizing data management, statistical programming, laboratory data, and data sharing.
John worked at the New England Research Institutes, where he supervised data management at the Data Coordinating Center of the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute-funded Pediatric Heart Network. He also worked at the University of Wisconsin Comprehensive Cancer Center (now the Carbone Cancer Center), where he served as a product manager for the center's clinical trials management system and served as a consultant in the initial development of OnCore, a clinical trials management system used by National Cancer Institute cancer centers nationwide.
B.A., Princeton University
“Pediatric Urinary Stone Disease in the United States: The Urologic Diseases in America Project,” Urology, 2019.
“Trends in Medication Use for Uncomplicated Urinary Tract Infections in the United States, 2007-2016,” poster presented at the 35th International Conference on Pharmacoepidemiology & Therapeutic Risk Management, 2019.
“Mortality Among Oil Spill Response and Clean-Up Workers 1-6 years Following the Deepwater Horizon Disaster,” talk presented at the 52nd Annual Society for Epidemiologic Research Meeting, 2019.
“Urinary Tract Infections in the United States: Persistent Disparities by Gender, Race/Ethnicity, and Socioeconomic Status,” poster presented at the 52nd Annual Society for Epidemiologic Research Meeting, 2019.
“Determining Infant Age From Administrative Claims Data Without Birth Date: A Validation Study,” poster presented at the 34th International Conference on Pharmacoepidemiology and Therapeutic Risk Management, 2018.
“A Suite of Statistical Data Checks to Identify Questionable and Suspicious Data in a Central Management System,” poster presented at the 35th Annual Meeting of the Society for Clinical Trials, 2014.