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About ICF

Neha Shrestha

Senior Modeling Analyst, Energy and Environment
Neha is an operations research enthusiast with nearly a decade of experience in energy and environmental policy modeling.

Neha has nearly a decade of experience in energy and environmental policy modeling. Using our proprietary Integrated Planning Model (IPM®), she assists the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) Clean Air Markets Division in developing base and policy cases to analyze the impact of existing and proposed air emissions policies on the U.S. electric power sector. Neha also uses IPM® to perform advanced quantitative and economic analysis of energy and environmental markets and policies. She evaluates the impact of future market trends and regulations and supports client strategies to manage change.

Neha specializes in research, analysis, and modeling. In addition to working with the EPA, she has supported a study to develop the estimates of replacement energy costs of nuclear-generating units within the U.S. electricity system from 2020 to 2030. In 2018, Neha also assisted in a feasibility study to establish Petroleum Distribution Centers within Florida, better preparing the state to manage large-scale evacuation of citizens in advance of a hurricane.

Areas of expertise
  • M.S., Operations Research, Virginia Commonwealth University
  • B.S., Mathematics and Computer Science, Eastern New Mexico University